Students can participate in a variety of extra-curricular activities. Information on the various school and parish programs will be shared once they are running.
ALTAR SERVERS The St. Joseph Catholic School students assist the parish priests at weekend Masses, school Masses, and may also choose to serve at funerals, weddings, and other parish events. Through altar serving, students learn early to serve the Church through a ministry. In order to be an altar server, students must attend training once a year and have parent permission. CHILDREN'S CHOIR Students from the first through eighth grades are encouraged to participate in the children’s choir. Students rehearse on Wednesdays after school. The choir sings at the all-school Mass once a month and some Sunday Masses. For more information, leave a message at school, 696-2586, for music program coordinator Karl Rohde. BAND Intermediate and advanced band students in sixth grade through eighth grade meet after school twice a week. Email music teacher, Mr. O'Donnell for information. SPEECH CLUB Middle school students meet once a week after school to learn and hone their speech and communication skills. YOUTH MINISTRY EDGE is the middle school youth ministry program at St. Joseph Parish. All middle school students (Grades 6 through 8) are invited to attend! EDGE meets most Sundays from 6:30-8 pm. On Family Faith Formation Sundays, we will be meeting during Family Faith Sessions. For more information visit the EDGE Youth Ministry page on the parish website. Contact Samantha at [email protected]. LEGO ROBOTICS Lego Robotics has not yet resumed. Watch the Cardinal Call for information about Lego Robotics for the 2024-2025 school year. |